Mike MJ Harris

2024 Retro


What a terrible year according to the numbers. OK roughly the same number of books read and blog posts written but oooh - look at the exercise. I've run more KM than that in two weeks before - and looks like I've hardly looked at the pool. Yoga - an essential the recent few years - dropped significantly.

Nope - not a terrible injury or illness. Had a baby - swapped out jogging for trips with the pushchair, yoga for squatting on the floor playing with toys. Wouldn't change it for the world - wonderful, tiring, rewarding, frustrating, enlightening and so much more all in one.

Year in numbers

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Books Read 21 20 30 31 50 39 34 18 10
KM Run 193 1,830 455 1,082 1,796 2,472 1,642 1,083 1,145
KM Swam 25 105 138 124 67 50 116 125 123
Yoga Sessions 48 119 75 62 97 72 48 30 60
Blog Posts 4 3 2 7 8 8 14 7 5
KM Cycled 45 395 166 3,385 498 0 0 0 0


Not much more to add really not least because I've just started parental leave and the baby is likely to wake any moment so no time! A year like no other - some mourning for the old life but the joy of the new far outweighs that. As an older parent some guilt of switching groups but delight at meeting new friends - knowing that life melds, flows and adapts.

For the next year let's see. Am doing a lot of non trackable movement and exercise with caring for a baby . The main aim for this year is to try out the running buggy. I also have a new job with a couple of days near Victoria so will likely add back in a running commute - plus make sure that new role goes well. Would love to get back in the pool - hopefully some sessions for me but also to introduce the next generation to the joys of water.