Mike MJ Harris

More Book Balance


In this post I want to highlight a new Guardian article that has provided me with new reading material. In previous posts I've written about how a similar article had altered the books I read (Accidental Sexist and Book Balance). This follows on the theme of trying to read authors from more diverse backgrounds.

Still relevant

With the #MeToo movement this look at imbalance in the world of literature is as relevant as ever. Checkout this excellent Guardian article How to be a Good Man. This sentence, I feel, sums up what the author was looking to do:

I wanted to to sit down and read about women’s experiences, to stay silent for a while, and hopefully learn something.

The irony that the article is written by a man isn't lost on me however it has provided a list of 13 books - only one of which I've read.

Book project

I'm building an webapp to list out the books I've read which I wrote about that in this post Book Project - Part 1. You can see the project at books.mikemjharris.com


Would love your tips on non white authors to read. Am aware that I've written mostly about reading more female authors but I am trying to cast my net wider. Recent issues such as having all white nominees for the Carnegie medal longlist have encouraged me to research and read more BAME authors too. Recommendations please!